"That’s A Moray!" The Docs at Critter Fixer perform a C-section on an egg-bound snake, attempt to remove a tumor from a moray eel and treat a grounded parakeet. "Bladder Stone Bonanza" The Docs at Critter Fixer save a dog from the brink of...
The elusive red panda, otherwise known as a fire fox, is a tough subject for the crew to film. They trek across the jungle for an encounter, to no avail – but one man’s knowledge may hold the key to a sighting. If you think you’ve seen the best the natural world has...
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It’s a battle for blood as lions go head to head, a grey wolf pack takes on a grizzly bear, hippos hammer out a violent battle, and one of the world’s largest monkeys plans a mission to murder. Animal Fight Night | S4, E1 Explore the World with National Geographic...