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Top 5 Whale Scenes | BBC Earth

Top 5 Whale Scenes | BBC Earth

From their feeding habits to their family bonds, whale species are endlessly fascinating. Count down with us as we celebrate our top 5 whale moments! Subscribe: http://bit.ly/BBCEarthSub #Top5 #Whales #Nature Watch more: Best of BBC Earth 🌍...
Breathing with whales 🐳 #Whale #Relax #Shorts

Breathing with whales 🐳 #Whale #Relax #Shorts

Subscribe: http://bit.ly/BBCEarthSub Watch more: Best of BBC Earth 🌍 https://bit.ly/BestOfBBCEarth Best Animal Fights 🥊 https://bit.ly/BestAnimalFights Videos over 10 minutes ⏰ https://bit.ly/3SHJCEJ Planet Earth III 🌍 https://bit.ly/PlanetEarthIIIPlaylist Frozen...