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Videos και άρθρα για τον Πλανήτη Γή
Replanting A Coral Reef | South Pacific | BBC Earth

Replanting A Coral Reef | South Pacific | BBC Earth

In Fiji, biologists are working with fishermen to grow the fish population by replanting coral reefs. Like any plants, these corals must have plenty of space and sunlight in order to thrive. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/BBCEarthSub #CoralReef #HabitatConservation #Fiji...

Filming The Elusive Snow Leopard | BBC Earth

Filming The Elusive Snow Leopard | BBC Earth

The snow leopards filmed for Planet Earth were the first intimate images of the animal ever captured. Since then, they've been filmed more often, but still remain one of the most elusive animals in the world. Notoriously difficult to find and track, go behind the...