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Videos και άρθρα για τον Πλανήτη Γή

8 Legged Killers (Full Episode) | World’s Deadliest

Today, around 1,200 species of spider roam the earth, and they are nearly all venomous. Discover the great lengths a jumping spider will go for a meal or the intricate hunting techniques of the rapid wolf spider, and why the bolas spider has a picky appetite when it...

Deep Water Death Match (Full Episode) | Predator Fail

Underwater, speed and strategy are key to making the kill. Ocean hunters have aced the aquatic hunting games, but, even for the top players, things don't always go according to plan. Sometimes the odds are stacked against even the most successful marine predators, and...

Jaws vs. Boats | SharkFest | National Geographic WILD

There’s no shortage of viral videos of sharks attacking boats. Dr. Mike Heithaus and PHD Candidate Sara Casareto set out to investigate what’s causing this clash. Watch SharkFest on National Geographic and stream on #DisneyPlus https://on.natgeo.com/3xYY2Gc ➡...