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These Seeds Can Walk! | The Green Planet | BBC Earth

These Seeds Can Walk! | The Green Planet | BBC Earth

The seeds of these wild oats each have two bristles called awns. Once the seeds fall to the ground their awns help them do something truly extraordinary…they walk! The Green Planet will open your eyes to an undiscovered kingdom like never before…this is life from the...

How Savannah Lions Hunt | War of the Lions

The lions of the Savannah have honed different hunting skills for different prey and conditions. Each tactic sees a varying degree of success, but there is plenty of food to around in the African Savannah. ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoWILDSubscribe #NatGeoWILD...

Parasite in the Poo | The Green Planet | BBC Earth

Parasite in the Poo | The Green Planet | BBC Earth

This cactus mistletoe is a parasite that penetrates the surface of cacti and grows within. A year after being sustained by the cactus’ water store, their vibrant flowers erupt ready to be pollinated. The Green Planet will open your eyes to an undiscovered kingdom like...

A Gecko With a Cloudy Eye | The Incredible Dr. Pol

A gecko with a potential eye injury is brought into the clinic and Dr. Pol examines the gecko to make sure it doesn't go blind. ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoWILDSubscribe ➡ Watch all clips from The Incredible Dr. Pol here: http://bit.ly/WatchTheIncredibleDrPol...