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Videos και άρθρα για τον Πλανήτη Γή
The Tyrant of the Deep | The Green Planet | BBC Earth

The Tyrant of the Deep | The Green Planet | BBC Earth

Giant water lilies clear competition from the water’s surface by wielding their buds like a club. Once clear, they claim their space and grow up to 20cm a day. Their leaves can measure around 2m across, blocking out the light from anything below the surface. The Green...

Examining a 67-Pound Bulldog | Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet

A large Bulldog known for his strength is brought to the clinic for routine bloodwork, but he isn't exactly easy to work with. ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoWILDSubscribe ➡ Watch all clips from Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet here: http://bit.ly/WatchDrOakleyYukonVet ➡ Get...

Raising Huskies in Alaska | Man, Woman, Dog

Twin sisters, Anna and Kristy Berington, train and raise multiple packs of huskies to traverse the rugged Alaskan terrain. Humans and dogs have a long, intertwined history together. Through the eyes of each of them today, we can see the evolution of that relationship....