Επιλογή Σελίδας

Giraffic Park – The zoo welcomes a timid giraffe to the herd and gives an epileptic chimp a better life.

Much Ado About Puffin – The vets are swamped as a gator needs blood drawn, and a lion requires a tooth extraction.

Running Otter Time – Keepers hope for a long-awaited sand cat kitten, while a nervous puffin learns to swim.

Puffin But Trouble – Zoo vets treat pythons that need urgent medical care, and otters go to fish school."

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#SecretsOfTheZoo #MegaEpisode #NatGeoAnimals

About Secrets of the Zoo:
One of the largest and most popular zoos in the U.S., Ohio’s renowned Columbus Zoo and Aquarium and its conservation park The Wilds, houses more than 10,000 animals on 12,000 acres. It’s also the part-time home of beloved wildlife guru Jack Hanna, the zoo’s director emeritus. Now, Nat Geo Wild is taking viewers inside the grounds and allowing them to experience what visitors can’t: compelling, heartwarming stories, and behind-the-scenes moments and adventures. "Secrets of the Zoo" introduces both the animals and the legions of workers who create unforgettable connections between people and wildlife.

About Nat Geo Wild:
National Geographic Wild is a place for all things animals and for animal-lovers alike. Take a journey through the animal kingdom with us and discover things you never knew before, or rediscover your favorite animals!

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Secrets of the Zoo: North Carolina | MEGA EPISODE | Nat Geo Animals

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